
Weight loss calculator
Weight loss calculator

For this example, these values were 25 and 23 which yields a net loss of 2 inches.įinally, sum all of the values together to yield the total sum of weight loss inches. Next, measure the initial and final size of your thigh.

weight loss calculator

For this example person, these were 45 and 43 inches respectively. Use the drop-down menu to pick the calorie deficit or the number of calories that you want to reduce in order to reach your weight loss goals. Next, determine the initial and final size of your chest. Select your gender (male or female) Enter your weight and height. In this case, these are measured to be 12 and 11 inches respectively. Next, determine the initial and final size of your neck. Subtracting these values yields a total of 4 inches. For this example, the initial size was 36 inches and the final size was 32 inches. Example Problemįirst, determine the initial and final size of your waist. Weight loss inches are defined as the sum total of all of the inches lost on body parts due to the effect of losing weight. It also provides the approximate time it will take you to achieve your weight goal at a rate of 1 or 2 pounds weight loss per week.


Even if you dont drink eight, youre drinking more than usual. If you want to know the next few steps on how you can get in shape, lose weight without giving up your favourite foods and how to make this diet the last one. The weight loss calculator is an easy-to-use fitness tool that can be used to estimate your daily recommended calories to lose weight. If youre trying to consume around 1500 calories a day in order to lose weight, you can blow your entire calorie budget on soda Drink water Reach for the goal of eight glasses a day.

weight loss calculator

The most common areas for measurement are the chest, waist, neck, and thigh. For every 20 ounces of Coca-Cola you drink, youre consuming 250 calories.

weight loss calculator

This is typically done on more than one body part and then summed together. Weight Loss Calculator by Goal Date Imperial Metric Imperial Calculator Daily Caloric Requirements Amount Maintain Current Weight: Meet Weight Goal: Maintain New Weight (after reaching goal): Usage Instructions Are you trying to lose weight This calculator will help you determine a daily caloric intake for your desired goal. To calculate weight loss inches, subtract the final size of the body part by the initial size. FS is the final size of the body part in inches.Suggestions on how to improve your health by losing weight. A personalized plan for achieving your weight loss goals. OS is the original size of the body part Complete the weight loss calculator to discover: How much weight you could lose on the Mayo Clinic Diet.

Weight loss calculator